Refinery on Dreamhost

refinery logoLooking around for a Rails based CMS because I am sick of working in PHP (Drupal). RefineryCMS looks like the best of the bunch. Here are some notes from my installation of it on my Dreamhost account: 1) ssh to your host 2) a simple ‘gem install refinerycms’ just hung & I didn’t feel like waiting around so a quick Google search came up with this answer: In your tmp directory, create a temporary Gemfile with the following contents:

source ‘'
gem ‘refinerycms’

then run ‘bundle’ The bundle command failed for me, even though ‘gem list’ showed it was installed. So I ran ‘gem install bundle –no-rdoc –no-ri’ which installed a newer version & also setup the binary so I could successfully execute ‘bundle’. 3) Next thing to do is delete the temporary Gemfile and cd to your home directory. 4) From your home directory, execute the following (using your desired [sub]domain name):


5) Then, create a new subdomain in Dreamhost via (same as above, I called mine, click the checkbox for ‘Passenger (Ruby/Python apps only):’ and let it add ‘public’ to the end of your web directory - this will point to the public directory of the rails app that you just created. Give Dreamhost a minute or two, then hit your site with a browser. You should see the initial screen for RefineryCMS asking you to create a new user. Possible problems … with solutions! a) When first accessing your site, you may get a Passenger error about rack versions. You may need to modify Gemfile.lock to use rack 1.2.1. If you make this change, simply ‘touch tmp/restart.txt’ to tell Passenger to restart, then hit the URL in the browser again. b) When first accessing your home page you may get a 500 error. I resolved this by running ‘RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate’ followed by ‘touch tmp/restart.txt’ Good luck!