RailsConf - Day 3 - Redis, Rails and Resque

Redis, Rails, and Resque - Background Job Bliss - Chris Wanstrath (GitHub) redis is a key value store for data structures redis is not use for everything because entire dataset used to have to fit into RAM - would have to shard across machines github - uses redis for routing, can add, remove.modify routes quickly & easily - can determine what server to put new users on, etc Old - HAProxy sending to mongrels New - Unicorn - instead of receiving requests, it asks for one using ‘select’, pooled, forks similar to passenger Used 6 or 7 different bg - SQS, DelayedJob Used Delayed job for 2 years resque is built on redis, jobs are serialized to json and workers can be in any language http://github.com/defunkt/resque resque has a plugin API - 15 or so plugins already exist - http://wiki.github.com/defunkt/resque/plugins has admin interface github has 35 types of background jobs Notes: lightning fast talker! Lots of good information though. I’d have a beer with this guy!