RailsConf - Day 2 - Metrics Magic

Metrics Magic - Aaron Bedra (Relevance, Inc.) - maintains rcov How did we get here? Technical Debt - but there is no bailout program! Good idea if you intend on paying back. Metrics are a great way to facilitation conversation It’s ok to ask others how/why the code was written if its hard to write tests around your code, that’s a smell output of metrics tools is just text - you can make these metrics tool fail the build ! There’s no substitute for peer review rcov can fail the build by setting “–failure-threshold n” - should increase the threshold as your code coverage goes up so that you know when it drops reek - fail the build by capturing the output result = %x{reek app lib} exit 1 unless result.empty? flog - flog app awk ‘NR==4’ | awk ‘{print $1}’ exit 1 if result.gsub(“:”,””).to_i >= 20 metric-fu wraps tests in pretty pictures Compare charts to previous sprints - generate conversation Great presentation materials - cartoony, fun Good speaker, useful demo