Worst parts of my new job

Worst parts of my new job:

  1. No more personal bathroom
  2. Coordinating my attire
  3. Not being able to pick through leftovers for lunch
  4. I can’t (easily) hit the gym at say 11am.
  5. No laptop, no cell phone
  6. No one cared if I had bad breath when working from home!

Best parts of my new job:

  1. The people - incredibly smart, and unbelievable willing to take time out of their day to explain how something works or why something was done a certain way. The openness is infectious.
  2. Pair programming with really smart people, like David Black
  3. No email. OK not ZERO email, but with everyone working in the same place, email is rarely used.
  4. No conference calls. Literally none. I had one on my first day which was a “Welcome to Boeing” deal, but zero since.
  5. Ruby & Rails - No more Java, no more WebSphere Portal :)
  6. No laptop, no cell phone. My day is now done when I walk out the door. I can VPN in to check my mail, but see #3

It comes as no surprise to me that the toughest things am dealing with so far are all related to no longer working from home. I’m not completely over the fact that I now get up at 6 & get into the office at 7:30, but I think I am getting used to it. I feel like an old man sometimes going to bed before 10, but I could be doing worse. Of course the title of this post was written to make you want to read it. I’m really enjoying the new job but need gimmicks to get people to come read my stuff :)