I recently celebrated my 32nd birthday and realized that there has been a significant shift in the method in which people have said “Happy Birthday” over the past 10 years: [caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”150” caption=”My daughter picked out a Turkey ice cream cake “][/caption] 10 years ago it was mostly birthday cards and birthday shots 5 years ago it was mostly email 3 years ago it was mostly e-cards 1 year ago it was mostly SMS messages This year was mostly Facebook wall posts What will the next few years bring? Holograms?
My Lotusphere session
Come check me out at Lotusphere 2009. Session Title: Innovation with Integration: IBM’s “Next Generation” Intranet Portal Session Track: ID503 Track Three: Planning and Managing Your Collaboration Infrastructure Continuous innovation of IBM’s enterprise portal, in a rapid, non-disruptive, evolutionary manner is a major goal of the “ODW Next” project. The On Demand Workplace (ODW) is IBM’s single point of entry for employee intranet access (w3.ibm.com). It serves as the “front door” to IBM’s internal transformation activities, providing a personalized work environment for more than 350,000 employees, in over 100 countries. The approach of ODW Next is to couple a live innovation platform - a “perpetual beta” - alongside the production environment, to obtain the maximum benefits of live usage and continuous feedback from a statistically significant number of global employees, while minimizing risk to the steady state production systems.