Installing Postgresql on Mac - again

[caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”64” caption=”PostgreSQL”][/caption] About a year ago I posted about installing Postgres 9.0 on my Mac. We’ll since then I lost a hard drive and am just re-installing Postgres now. This time 9.1. Here’s what I did: 1. **Download postgres for Mac**

  • Don’t sign up for enterprise db crap, the download will start in a sec

2. Install postgres

  • This may require reboot to set some syscontrol settings (it did for me)
  • I created the “postgres” user with “postgres” as the password (so I could remember it)

3. Start postgres to create the defaults in the data directory

$ sudo su - postgres
$ . ./
$ pg_ctl restart

4. Modify Postgres to use “trust” authentication, so we don’t need to supply a password when connecting to the database.

$ vi /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data/pg_hba.conf

4.1 For each entry, change METHOD “md5” to “trust” (this should only be done on your developer machine!) 5. Restart postgres to pick up the conf changes

$ sudo su - postgres
$ . ./
$ pg_ctl restart

6. Beer time! This setup requires you to su - postgres whenever you want to restart the database, but for now it’ll work.